
Author Linda Diane Wattley’s memoir ‘Soldier With A Backpack: Living and Dying Simultaneously’ is packed with nuggets of pure truth meant to expose the evil that was meant to destroy her, show God's greatness and attest to her healing from PTSD. Once I started reading, I couldn’t put her story down. I especially love memoirs, because it takes a special kind of strength to write a memory and share raw emotion and experience with the world.

If you enjoy reading memoirs that are a journey from hell into healing with ordained, anointed prayer behind the words to encourage others along their journey, this book is a must read.

Linda says, “Out of trauma, much drama occurs. Trauma has so many levels of appearing in our lives from the war zones where our soldiers witness death and the survival of death, vehicular accidents, murders, catastrophic disasters, illnesses, rape, sudden deaths of our loved ones; the list is unending.”

“Cycles can be broken when light is shined on reality. This is my purpose to shine light on the personal aftermath of trauma. ‘And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.’ John 8:13.”

Follow Linda through her life, learn from her healing and willingness to share what most people would hide in the darkness. Enjoy the short, direct poems scattered throughout the book and learn how Linda activated the love of God in her life, so she can be a beacon of light (“messenger”) to those seeking healing form PTSD.

Cold Coffee Press/Café endorses Soldier With A Backpack: Living and Dying Simultaneously (After The Storm Publishing Presents) by Linda Diane Wattley as her memoir from darkness into light. We reviewed this book from Kindle/PDF format. The review was completed on January 30, 2016. For more information please visit Cold Coffee Press and Cold Coffee Café

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