If you care about the intense suffering that goes hand in hand with global human trafficking, challenge your understanding of the problem with Author Arleen Alleman’s newest suspense-filled psychological fictional drama, meticulously researched and skillfully written will underscore the danger that awaits teenage runaways in America.
With the tension of time ticking way, lives on the line and bold, unrelenting evil will cause your heart to race and blood boil as innocent young lives are terrorized and devalued on the altar of greed. I share a couple of quotes in order to draw you into the story.
Part One titled ‘Persecutors and Prey’ with 19 chapters reinforces every parent, grandparent, sibling, friend, and law enforcement’s nightmare when a teen goes missing. Following in the footsteps of each of these stand-alone Darcy Farthing series books ‘Currents Of Sin’ outlines a criminal drama when Darcy Farthing is contacted and rushes to Las Vegas when a teen named Pamela goes missing.
Quote: “In yet another world apart from downtown Vegas, a beautiful young woman with dark hair and eyes blinked into blackness then rolled onto one side as far as her tether would allow. She didn’t know what awakened her, only that she’d suddenly jerked to awareness. As her eyes adjusted to the gloom she tried to shake off the remnants of sleep . . . and something else.”
Part Two titled ‘Murder and Misery’ has 27 chapters that begins on day six through day nine will thrust you into the world of drugs, gangs, human traffickers that enslave, sell and ship unsuspecting teens to buyers across the continents. No one is safe when billions of dollars the motivating factor.
Quote: “Tom called early in the morning to tell me about Shimmer’s murder. I plopped down on a barstool after my knees almost gave way. I thought I detected a surge in my blood pressure as he was explaining how he was driving down Fremont and came upon the huge police presence. He parked and walked to the motel where he stood as close as possible to watch the action. Part of me wished I’d been with him. Another part, not so much.”
Part Three titled ‘Rescue and Raids’ includes 33 chapters that start on Day 10 and goes through Day 16 keeps the reader turning the page. Who is the good guy and who is the bad guy?
Quote: “In a dark, decrepit room at the Green Door, five members of the Asian gang were planning their next move. The tattered drapes were drawn tight and despite the efforts of an ancient swamp cooler, the temperature hovered around ninety. The room was small and the men were big. Several sat on chairs they’d brought from other rooms they controlled, and an oversized cooler full of beer sat against the wall.
Curtis leaned back in his rickety wooden chair, wiped perspiration from his forehead, and gulped down a Bud while he listened intently to the boss.
“These assholes are going to be history. They think they can send spies down here to run our bitches? Then grab em off the street just when we’re seasoning them? No fucking way, man! Not gonna happen anymore.”
He looked around the room and his eyes fell on Curtis. “You, the new guy, let’s hear what you think we should do about it.”
Wrapping things up 6 Months later, I quote: “All the current ills of the world can be traced back to our failure to embrace and entrench these basic necessary characteristics, simple and broad as they are. We have gotten in our own way. Thankfully, individuals rise above their base natures to embrace one or more of them, often without realizing the impact of their actions on future generations.”
I invite you to read Currents Of Sin: book six in the Darcy Farthing series by Arleen Alleman and answer these questions for yourself:
Can Darcy’s marriage and Mick’s PTSD withstand this test of time?
Is there a psychic connection between Tom, Darcy, Mick, Rachael, Brooks, Sid, Don and Charlie?
Is it possible that a man in Darcy’s past is responsible for these crimes?
What will be Pamela’s fate be and can others be saved?
The Darcy Farthing series books stand alone and you can read them in any order. I encourage you to also purchase Currents Deep and Deadly: Book One, Currents Of Vengeance: Book Two, Current Assets: Book Three, Alternate Currents: Book Four and A Current Deception: Book Five which are all sold in print and eBook format at Amazon.
Cold Coffee Press endorses Currents Of Sin by Arleen Alleman. We reviewed this book in a Kindle format. This review was completed on July 23, 2016. For more information please visit Cold Coffee Press
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