Although the author has placed this book in the literary, contemporary fiction genre, I would go a step further and also list ‘Death of a Sculptor in Hue, Shape and Color’ by M. C. V. Egan in the psychological crime fiction genre.
This book opens in a most unusual place. We the readers are participates in the funeral of renowned sculptor Bruce Jones. This beginning should have a psychological effect on any thinking reader as this is no ordinary funeral with the normal mourners. In fact the church pew normally reserved for the wife and children of the diseased is filled with Bruce Jones’ five legal wives.
Author M. C. V. Egan casts her characters well and introduces each wife to the reader in the same hue, shape and color that had attracted sculptor Bruce Jones to them. To spice things up a bit, Bruce Jones didn’t die of natural causes and it is Bruce’s daughter-in-law Sylvia who is the keeper of secrets.
All families have secrets, but few have the psychological dynamics of the six women who Bruce brought into the family and the eight children that were conceived by his artistic reflections. Not only is Scott (the private investor), Detective Jim Miller, family friends, in-laws drawn into the drama surrounding Bruce Jones death, but an international community that respects this man as a sculptor and art teacher. His legacy and fortune will touch more than a generation.
Once I read this novelette, my mind created scenarios to answer the many unanswered questions left behind. I invite you read ‘Death of a Sculptor in Hue, Shape and Color’ by M.C.V. Egan. I wish there was a way for me to know, if you the reader come away with the same questions. I can only hope that this book is an introduction to a series where the characters that now live in my head will find their way back to a page where more psychological pieces will craft the completed puzzle with conclusions that will define this Sculptor as the real focus of his art. My mind created a scenario where the story would make a good ‘twilight zone’ episode (if expanded).
Once you have read ‘Death of a Sculptor in Hue, Shape and Color’ by M.C.V. Egan, I invite you to read ‘Defined by Others’ and ‘The Bridge Of Deaths’ as I have enjoyed these books too.
I, Theodocia McLean endorse Death of a Sculptor in Hue, Shape and Color by M.C.V. Egan. I purchased and reviewed this book from a Kindle format. This review was completed on January 11, 2017.