
A collection of essays by scientists and philosophers against the intelligent design movement. Most of the essays are very bright people preaching to the converted; very little in the book actually makes an argument that might convince an ID proponent to reconsider their views.

IMHO the most important point here is that ID doesn’t explain anything, it simply says everything was created by an Intelligent Designer. Several of the book’s essays point out that many of the designs don’t seem very intelligent. Regardless, this explanation isn’t science and shouldn’t be treated as if it were another scientific theory.

If you believe in ID, good for you, but that’s faith—keep it out of my science class.

The most coherent part of the book is Judge John Jones’ ruling in the case of Kitzmiller, et al v. Dover School District. His argument that ID is merely Creationism with a new marketing plan and therefore has no place in a science curriculum is well-reasoned and clear.

Overall, a very disappointing book on a very interesting subject.

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