
When I picked up this book from Borders, I was not expecting to be questioned on what love truly means. In Kissed by an Angel, Chandler presents Tristan's courting of Ivy. Ivy becomes a hero in that she is the only girl to turn away a jock (Tristan). She finds him idiotic and laughs at his attempts at wooing her, and this is an image that I think all girls should see. Why do we need more of these perfect, A-list couples? Why do we need these love-hate relationships? I find that Chandler offers the best kind of relationship (an unexpected one) and lets girls see that they're missing the true meaning of love.

In The Power of Love, Chandler really begins to challenge love. Tristan is dead but is now an angel, and Ivy no longer believes in angels. Ivy still loves Tristan; Tristan still loves Ivy but is unable to communicate with her. Chandler shows the depth of Tristan's love by having him refuse to give up on Ivy, and she also shows the depth of Ivy's love by having her refuse to fall in love with Gregory. And in Soulmates, Chandler shows Tristan moving on and Ivy saying goodbye. Chandler also shows the same unexpected love with Lacy, but she contrasts Tristan and Ivy's version by having Lacy fail to act on it.

Through these three books, Chandler explains love and its rules. Do not look for love; let it find you. Embrace love; don't let it fade away (into the darkness). Never give up on your love, no matter how trying the times are. Chandler is a powerful writer, and her writing delivers a powerful and wonderful message.

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