
Max Lucado (born January 11, 1955) is a best-selling Christian author and writer and preacher at Oak Hills Church (formerly the Oak Hills Church of Christ) in San Antonio, Texas.

Popular books

1 The 3:16 Promise: He Loves.  He Gives.  We Believe.  We Live. The 3:16 Promise: He Loves. He Gives. We Believe. We Live.

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2 Como Jesús (Nelson Pocket: Inspiracion) (Spanish Edition) Como Jesús (Nelson Pocket: Inspiracion) (Spanish Edition)

Max Lucado

3 In the Grip of Grace: Your Father Always Caught You. He Still Does. (Lucado, Max) In the Grip of Grace: Your Father Always Caught You. He Still Does. (Lucado, Max)

Max Lucado

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