This book is focussed on learning and understanding JMeter. It starts with a basic introduction and installation, followed by using JMeter to test web applications. It proceeds to show how to use JMeter to perform load testing and also to test the functional behavior of the target web application. The discussion continues to include testing servers other than web application servers, and demonstrates the use of some of JMeter's built-in functions. This book aims to give readers an introductory view of JMeter, and gives a brief and realistic overview to those researching for an ideal testing tool to use in testing projects. The book is written in a straightforward, clear way, with plenty of step-by-step instructions and illustrative screenshots. The ideal readers or users of this book are experienced or novice testers who have been testing manually and now would like to automate their tests. Those testers who are already automating their testing using other tools or testing software may also want to use this book as they look for alternatives. This book would also be a good point for test Managers/Leaders to start doing research on the test automation tool that may best suit their testing needs and of course, their budget JMeter's target audience is the testing community, which is generally not the hangout of developers or technical people. Almost anything one would like to do in HTTP testing will be supported by JMeter without requiring any programming. The user need not have much technical knowledge to work with JMeter. It has a simple-to-use and intuitive drag-and-drop style GUI that helps any non-technical user to get started.
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