
A stirring account of wartime experiences from the leader of the first regiment of emancipated slaves Thomas Wentworth Higginson, a Unitarian minister, was a fervent member of New England's abolitionist movement, an active participant in the Underground Railroad, and part of a group that supplied material aid to John Brown before his ill-fated raid on Harpers Ferry. When the Civil War broke out, Higginson was commissioned as a colonel of the black troops training in the Sea Islands off the coast of the Carolinas. Shaped by American Romanticism and imbued with Higginson's interest in both man and nature, Army Life in a Black Regiment ranges from detailed reports on daily life to a vivid description of the author's near escape from cannon fire, to sketches that conjure up the beauty and mystery of the Sea Islands. This edition of Army Life features as well a selection of Higginson's essays, including 'Nat Turner's Insurrection' and 'Emily Dickinson's Letters.' 'Has some claim to be the best written narrative to come from the Union during the Civil War.' - Henry Steele Commager Introduction and Notes by R. D. MADISON

  • Memoirs
  • 19Th Century
  • African-American Studies
  • Slavery & Emancipation
  • Life & Institutions
  • African-American & Black
  • Civil War
  • United States Civil War
  • Regiments
  • Abolition

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