
EMIN PASHA AND THE REBELLION AT THE EQUATOR - A STORY OF NINE MONTHS EXPERIENCES IN THE ST OF THE SOUDAN PROVINCES J. MOUNTENEY-JEPHSON One of Stanleys Officer THE KK VISION AND CO-OPERATION OF HENRY M. WITH MAP AND NUMEROUS EDITION LONDON SAMPSON LOW, MAESTON, SEARLE B FLEET STREET, 1890 All rights reserved WORKS ON AFRICA. By H M STANLEY, LL D, D L, Ac IN DARKEST AFBICA, or, The Quest, Rescue, and Retreat of Emin, Governor of Equatorial Third Edition, two vols, 150 illustrations and three maps, cloth binding, 42., THE CONGO, AND THE FOUNDING-OF ITS FREE STATE. New Edition, two vols, 100 illustrations, cloth, 42s, also Cheaper Edition, 21 HOW I FOUND LIVINGSTONE. Including Travel, Adversities and Discoveries in Central Africa. New Edition, illustrations, crown 8vo, cloth, 7s. 04. also Cheaper Edition, 3 M THBOTTGH THE DARK CONTINENT, from the Indian to the Atlantic Ocean. With numerous illustrations and maps, crown 8vo, cloth, 12 6d, also Cheaper Edition, SK 64 MY KALTJIiIT Prince, King, and Slave Illustrated, crown 8vo, cloth, 2s M, gilt edges, 64 By JOSEPH THOMSON THBOUG-H MASAI LAND., By GEORGE SCHWEINPUBTH THE HEART OF AFRICA. PREFATORY LETTER HENEY M, STANLEY. LONDON, August, 1890. MY DEAR JEPHSON, My marriage and my illness are two causes, either one of which had they occurred separately would have sufficiently explained the delay which has rendered me unable until now to make any kind of effort to comply with the wishes of yourself and of my English and American publishers, that I should introduce your book to your readers on both sides of the Atlantic. But, really, your book needs no introduction from me those who have read In Darkest Africa know well the estimation in which Ihold you From my own personal point of view, I can say with all sincerity that I am well pleased to know that you have actually written this book. I was of course well aware that you lost no opportunity during our wanderings through the Dark Continent of making notes of all you saw and all you did but to convert these rough notes into an intelligent and consecutive narrative required much thought and much labour. I confess I had pictured you, on your return to civilized society from the pangs of starvation, the troubles of camps, and the weary wanderings in that vi Prefatory Letter by Henry M. Stanley. dismal forest, as plunging into luxury and revelling in the delight of being able for awhile to do absolutely nothing. On the contrary I find that you have scorned inglorious ease, and burnt the midnight oil m writing this narrative you have done well. It was your bounden duty to write it, and you could not, if you would, have rid yourself of the responsibility. Of course you might have begun your narrative at the beginning of our expedition, but I think you have done wisely in not treading out again already threshed corn. You have commenced your story where a great gap occurred m my own narrative, a gap which you alone could fill up. You have told your story with so much modesty, and such absolute truthfulness and loyalty to myself, that I cannot but feel pleased and grateful to you...

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