
If you read only one book on Freemasonry, this is it! Contents: The Scottish Rite degrees from the 4th through the 32nd. Secret Master; Perfect Master; Intimate Secretary; Provost and Judge; Intendant of the Building; Elu of the Nine; Elu of the Fifteen; Elu of the Twelve; Master Architect; Royal Arch of Solomon; Perfect Elu; Knight of the East; Prince of Jerusalem; Knight of the East and West; Knight Rose Croix; Pontiff; Master of the Symbolic Lodge; Noachite or Prussian Knight; Knight of the Royal Axe or Prince of Liabanus; Chief of the Tabernacle; Prince of the Tabernacle; Knight of the Brazen Serpent; Prince of Mercy; Knight Commander of the Temple; Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept; Scottish Knight of St. Andrew; Knight Kadosh; Inspector Inquisitor; Master of the Royal Secret. Other volumes in this set are ISBN(s): 1417910992.

  • Occult
  • Mysticism
  • Freemasonry

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