"In Outrageous Detour, Lindy Anne Nisbet has created an outrageously fun and fast paced tale...a rollicking good ride..by blending mystery, fantasy, friendship and a goodly helping of sex with exotic settings of Peruvian jungles and ancient Incan ruins." -Ellen Tanner Marsh,New York Times bestselling author.After a series of psychic 'pops', Lulu Glenn is drawn to ancient ruins on a mountaintop in Peru. She, her crazy roomie and four other overwhelmed tour members are quickly catapulted from a comfortable guided tour into an 'Outrageous Detour' that leads them through ancient, underground caverns full of intrigue, into a dimension of illumination and to their ultimate preposterous yet timely mission on the sacred mountaintop of Machu Picchu.
toryah1988 has added Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix to their read list.
toryah1988 has added Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire to their read list.
toryah1988 has added Atonement to their read list.
toryah1988 has added New Moon (The Twilight Saga) to their read list.
Monica has added The Da Vinci Code (Large Print) to their wish list.