
[This book] examines American business and economic history, paying close attention to the structures and relationships between individuals and public policy that have resulted in such unprecedented wealth creation. Crammed into this survey of trends in the American economy since the 1600s are dozens of snapshots of individual entrepreneurs. The story is often the same: Aged, sick, bankrupt, down on their luck, American entrepreneurs rarely came from the fortunate strata of society but instead overcame obstacles with a matchless determination that is inspirational to all people, whether in business or in other careers. While individuals accounted for the critical breakthroughs in the American economy, [this book] also pays attention to both government policy and economic thought of the day. Long-standing, but quite erroneous, myths are debunked, including the notions that the Great Depression was caused by business failures or that the 1980s were a "decade of greed." What emerges is a story of businesses and people, of victory over impressive obstacles, and of the resulting tide of prosperity that has made the American economy the envy of the world. -Back cover.

  • United States
  • Popular Economics
  • Business & Finance
  • World
  • History
  • Company Profiles

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