At the age of fifteen, Michael Berg falls in love with a woman who disappears, and while observing a trial as a law student years later, he is shocked to discover the same woman as the defendant in a horrible crime. Reissue. 200,000 first printing. (An MGM/Weinstein Company/Mirage film, written by David Hare, directed by Stephen Daldry, releasing December 2008, starring Kate Winslet, Ralph Fiennes, & David Kross) (General Fiction)
toryah1988 has added Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix to their read list.
toryah1988 has added Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire to their read list.
toryah1988 has added Atonement to their read list.
toryah1988 has added New Moon (The Twilight Saga) to their read list.
Monica has added The Da Vinci Code (Large Print) to their wish list.