
I'm a BA(Hons) post-grad of English Literature, searching for more outlets to express my love of the books I've read. Here seemed to be a good choice!

Reading now

1 Crimson Petal White Bagrovyy lepestok i belyy Crimson Petal White Bagrovyy lepestok i belyy

Feyber Mishel

Favourite books

1 Lady Chatterley's Lover Lady Chatterley's Lover

D. H. Lawrence

2 Dracula (Penguin Classics) Dracula (Penguin Classics)

Bram Stoker

3 Wormwood: A Drama of Paris Wormwood: A Drama of Paris

Marie Corelli

Latest review

1 Children on Their Birthdays A Taste of Capote's Childhood.

A review of Children on Their Birthdays by MissLight21 on Sunday 15th May 2011

Latest review


A review of Herzog by roochero

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