Hello, my name is Angel, I'm 24 years old, I'm a wife, lover, mother, friend, student, blogger, daughter, aunt, sister, amateur photographer, craftster, geek, eccentric, outspoken, introverted exhibitionist and much more.
1 | The Fountainhead (Centennial Edition HC) |
1 | Women of the Silk: A Novel | |
2 | Memoirs of a Geisha | |
3 | Living Dead in Dallas (Book 2) [Southern Vampire #2] |
angsaysrawr has not yet reviews any books.
toryah1988 has added Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix to their read list.
toryah1988 has added Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire to their read list.
toryah1988 has added Atonement to their read list.
toryah1988 has added New Moon (The Twilight Saga) to their read list.
Monica has added The Da Vinci Code (Large Print) to their wish list.